Success is _ Podcast hosted by Phil Portman





Success is Sustainability (Ep. 2)

Phil Podcast
Phil Podcast
Success is Sustainability (Ep. 2)

Success is Sustainability – VINCE TERBRACK 📌 Episode 2 of Success is _ Podcast with guest Vince Terbrack is on live today. A fitness coach from Michigan with a Master’s Degree in Physical Education and Health transitioned from teaching to being a coach and now runs his own gym for ten years. He trains people […]

Success is a Mindset (Ep. 1)

Success is a Mindset
Phil Podcast
Success is a Mindset (Ep. 1)

📌SUCCESS IS A MINDSET – DANIEL BORERRO JR. In this first episode of Success is _ with Philip Portman, founder/CEO of textdrip, Philip Portman interviews Daniel Borrero Jr., a real estate investor/coach. He is the founder of USA Land Ventures, a real estate site that trains others to become Investors and provides Real Estate Investment […]

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